École de physique 2014

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Cote, Michel Montreal   
Local Density Approximation, Density functional theory, ABINIT hands-on
Del Maestro, Adrian Vermont   
Worm algorithms
Garate, Ion Sherbrooke   
Introduction to topological insulators
Haule, Kristjan Rutgers   
LDA+DMFT and Wien2k+DMFT hands-on
Kotliar, Gabi Rutgers   
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and ab initio methods
Melko, Roger Waterloo   
Quantum Monte Carlo, SSE, loop updates, Monte Carlo and Quantum information
Orus, Roman Mainz   
Projected entangled-pair states (PEPS) and fermionic tensor networks
Rignanese, Gian-Marco Louvain-la-Neuve GW method, ABINIT hands-on
Schollwock, Uli   
Aachen Numerical Renormalization Group, Dynamics in Density Matrix Renormalization Group
Senechal, David Sherbrooke   
Dynamical Mean-Field theory and Quantum cluster methods
Tremblay, Andre-Marie Sherbrooke   
Refresher in QM, Introduction to many-body theory and Quantum Monte Carlo methods
Troyer, Matthias ETH   
ALPS codes
Werner, Philipp Fribourg   
Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo Methods. Weak and strong coupling expansions
Stoudenmire, Miles Perimeter Institute DMRG and DMRG hands-on. ITensor library.

Création du site par Dany Gagné